Sunday, January 11, 2009

and how Israel lying???

How Israel lying ???? yes definitely the Israeli always lies ?????
if you haven't honer then lie lie lie lie lie lie lie and lie

Some Pix from Gaza

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gaza the bleeding wound…pictures

Gaza the bleeding wound…pictures « Silver Lining
Gaza the bleeding wound…pictures
Posted on December 29, 2008 by realistic bird

This is the annihilation of an entire people and not an attack on a particular political group. It has always been about the end of a Palestinians themselves and their rights.

A Palestinian man buries the body of 4-year-old Dena Balosha at Beit Lahiya cemetery in the northern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008. Palestinian medics said five young sisters, one of them Dena Balosha, died in an Israeli air strike in Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza and three other young children were killed when a bomb struck a house aimed at the nearby abandoned home of a senior Hamas militant in Rafah. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem (GAZA)

Palestinians mourn beside the bodies of three children in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008. Palestinian medics said five young sisters, died in an Israeli air strike in Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza and three other young children were killed when a bomb struck a house aimed at the nearby abandoned home of a senior Hamas militant in Rafah. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa (GAZA)

More pictures from

Gaza Is Bleeding….

Gaza Is Bleeding…. « I will not be silenced… A Palestinian Perspective
Gaza Is Bleeding….
By kamalchassan
Please Be Informed. The Truth Is Out There……Please Seek It….
As citizens of the world, we strongly condemn the Israeli attack on the Palestinian people in Gaza. We believe that Israel has committed and is committing war crimes during its current military campaign. As the occupying power, Israel has violated its obligation as to protect the occupied citizens of Gaza. At the same time, State of Israel has violated the Geneva conventions and the Statutes laid out in Article 8 of the International criminal court by the deliberate targeting civilians, humanitarian aid workers, halting the full delivery of aid to Gaza, and the total destruction of the infrastructure in Gaza. On Tues Jan 6th three Israeli artillery shells fired at a UN School sheltering 350 refugees in the Jabalya Refugee Camp killed 40 Palestinians and injured 50. This is just one of many reports coming out of the Gaza strip of the deliberate and discriminate targeting of civilians. We ask the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court to conduct an immediate investigation into all these reports and to bring those responsible to justice. We also ask the ICC to join the world in condemning these brutal and inhumane attacks on the civilian population of Gaza.
Kamal c hassan,
Palestinian Peace Activist.

Bleeding Gaza

Bleeding Gaza - - News
Bleeding Gaza & News Agencies

At least 70 Palestinians, third of them children, have been killed in four days of Israeli strikes.
GAZA CITY — At least 67 Palestinians, including six children and three women, were killed on Saturday, March 1, during an ongoing Israeli onslaught against the sealed off Gaza Strip.

"We are in the middle of a total war," Abu Alaa, a resident of the northern Gaza Strip town of Jabaliya, told Agence France-Presse (AFP) over phone as he and his children took cover.

"We hear the missiles and the explosions everywhere…we cannot leave our homes.

"They're shooting at everything that moves," he added.

At least 67 Palestinians, including scores of children and women, were killed during an ongoing Israeli incursion near Jabaliya before dawn.

Watch Gaza "Terrorists"

Gaza Onslaught in Numbers

Doctor Muawiya Hassanein, head of Gaza emergency medical services, said most of the dead were killed by a "great number of missiles fired by Israeli aircraft" in and around Jabaliya.

A 12-year-old girl and her 11-year-old brother were killed by Israeli shrapnel as they slept.

Two sisters in their early 20s and another civilian were killed by Israeli tank shells that struck two houses in separate attacks.

A mother who was preparing breakfast for her kids died when she was hit by Israeli gunfire inside her home.

Among the dead were a 45-year-old man and his 20-year-old son.

News photographers from several media outlets came under Israeli fire, an AFP photographer trapped with them said.

A Palestinian photographer for the local Media Group was lightly wounded when an Israeli shell exploded, an official with the agency said.

Saturday's fatalities take to at least 105 the number of Palestinians, third of them children, killed in four days of Israeli raids and air strikes in the Gaza Strip.


Israeli special forces crept in the crowded Jabaliya refugee camp just after midnight followed by a wider incursion involving tanks and helicopters.

At least 15 Palestinian resistance fighters, including 10 from Hamas and another two from Islamic Jihad, were killed in air strikes and fierce clashes with the invading Israeli troops.

Israeli soldiers exchanged heavy gunfire with Palestinian fighters on the eastern outskirts of Jabaliya, three kilometers inside Gaza Strip from the borders with Israel.

Two Israeli soldiers were killed and five wounded, three lightly and two light to moderate injuries, the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera news channel reported citing an Israeli army statement.

The Israeli ground forces called in air force support and Israeli aircraft launched missiles at Palestinian fighters during the battle.

Palestinian resistance fighters were unbowed by the Israeli aggression.

"The Zionist forces failed in Gaza before," said Abu Obeida, a spokesman for the military wing of Hamas.

"We will respond to any aggression with every available means."


Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas denounced the Israeli assault as "more than a holocaust."

"It's very regrettable that what is happening is more than a holocaust," he told reporters in Ramallah.

"We tell the world to see with its own eyes and judge for itself what is happening."

Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai on Friday, February 29, threatened the Palestinians in Gaza with a fate worse than the Nazi Holocaust.

Abbas called for "international protection for the Palestinian people" while his office said he had contacted several world leaders to press for an end to the Israeli assault.

"It is unthinkable that Israel's reaction to Palestinian rocket attacks -- which we condemn -- can be so terrible and frightening," Abbas said.

Israel claims its offensives in the densely-populated Gaza Strip, home to more than 1.6 million, aims at halting rocket firing into Israel.

The chief of Israel's left-wing Meretz party, Yossi Beilin, said Hamas had offered a truce over the past two weeks but the overtures had been spurned by the Israeli leadership.

Christopher Gunness, a spokesman for the UN agency for refugees (UNRWA), called for an immediate ceasefire and political negotiations to end the fighting.

"I condemn the killing of 12 children in the last four days," he said.

"The killing of children must stop. Those on both sides responsible for the killing of civilians must be held accountable."

Dozens killed in assault on Gaza

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Dozens killed in assault on Gaza
Dozens killed in assault on Gaza
The Israel-Hamas clashes of Saturday were the deadliest in more than a year in the Gaza Strip [AFP]
At least 35 people have been killed in the last 24 hours as Israel continues a major assault in Gaza that has left many children and civilians dead.

The operation in the Jabaliya refugee camp on Saturday marks the deadliest day of fighting in the Hamas-ruled territory for more than a year.
Sixty-eight Gazans have died since the operation - which followed the death of an Israel civilian in a Palestinian rocket attack - began four days ago.

More than 120 Palestinians have also been wounded.

At least 10 of those killed were Hamas fighters and two were from the Islamic Jihad.
Muawiya Hassanein, the head of emergency services in Gaza, said those killed include at least four children and three women.

Israeli troops injured

The Israeli army confirmed its operations in northern Gaza, with the Israel Army Radio reporting that five soldiers were lightly or moderately wounded in the fighting.

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The offensive began before dawn when Israeli tanks, supported by helicopters, pushed into the Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza.

Witnesses said the Jabaliya deaths occurred as a result of gun battles between Palestinian fighters and Israeli soldiers.

Tariq Dardouna, a Palestinian resident trapped in his house in east Jabaliya, told Al Jazeera that Israeli forces targeted civilians.

"The Israeli army opens fire at everything in our area, including children and houses. There are injured children bleeding inside their houses," Dardouna said.

"They are opening fire at everything."

Witnesses also reported clashes in the nearby Tufah neighbourhood in northern Gaza City.

Hamas denunciation

Khaled Meshaal, the exiled Hamas leader living in Syria, denounced the Israeli attacks against Gaza civilians as "the real holocaust".

Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for Hamas, described the Jabaliya assault as "genocide".
In depth

In video
Infant killed
in Gaza

In video
Palestinian rockets into Israel

Deadly violence
Dozens killed
in Israeli raids

He accused "regional and internal parties" of being involved in the conflict, as well as an "Israeli conspiracy".

In Ramallah, Mahmoud Abbas, the president, condemned the escalating Israeli military operation in Gaza, and called for its immediate end.

"It's very regrettable that what is happening is more than a holocaust. We tell the world to see with its own eyes and judge for itself what is happening and who is carrying out international terrorism," Abbas later told reporters.

Comparisons to a "holocaust" apparently refer to remarks made by Matan Vilnai, Israel's deputy defence minister, who earlier used the Hebrew word "shoah" - generally used about the Nazi Holocaust - in remarks to army radio on Friday.

"By intensifying the rocket fire and extending their reach [fighters in Gaza] are bringing onto themselves a worse catastrophe [shoah] as we will use all means to defend ourselves," Vilnai said.

In his press conference, Abbas said: "It is regrettable that Israel uses this word, banned for more than 60 years, the word 'holocaust,' and we demand that the world respond."
Broader offensive

An Israeli army spokeswoman said about 20 rockets were fired into Israel on Saturday, including three Soviet-designed Grad missiles, which are more powerful and accurate than locally produced Qassams.

Three Israelis were injured by rockets that reached Ashkelon, a major southern city with a population of 120,000 people.

Israeli leaders earlier said cross-border rocket fire might leave them no choice but to launch a broader military offensive against Hamas.

Ehud Barak, Israel's defence minister, said on Thursday that "a major ground operation was real and tangible" and that Israel was "not afraid of it".
Barak's threat of a full-scale invasion came on the same day that an Israeli missile attack killed five children playing football.

Civilians were caught in the crossfire as Israeli
soldiers battled fighters in Jabaliya [AFP]
Hamas said it has hit Israel with more than 80 rockets during the same three-day period.

Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, has so far been wary of launching a major ground offensive, which could incur heavy casualties and derail US-backed peace talks with Abbas.

But domestic pressure is growing.

Israel's Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said Barak had sought to prepare the way for an offensive by sending confidential messages to world leaders, including Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, who is due to visit the region next week.